
It's a B movie sequel that is the EXACT same plot as the first movie.


You know a movie is bad when the best part is a guy getting raped by a car. And do we still need fart jokes?


The alternate ending on the DVD is better, but the movie is still flat.


It's a bizarre comedy that viewers of the television series will love, but you don't need to see any of the series first.


I see why Project Greenlight was cancelled.

Slow Candy

Very slow paced, not quite what I expected.

It's a Wonderful Click?

The film seems to be a remake of It's a Wonderfull Life. A couple of very funny moments, but no classic.


Box claims the movie is the funiest since 40 Year Old Virgin. Was this movie released the day after the 40 Year Old Virgin? There are some good scenes and one liner's, but overall not that great.


I love the radio show, but it did not transition well into a movie. The best parts are the music.


My son bought this. This movie is terrible. Avoid.